I have never personally experienced a loss of a baby through miscarriage or other, but I have friends who have. My best friend had a miscarriage at 10 weeks. Three of my twin mommy friends lost a baby each - two in utero and one after 4 and a half hours of life.
My heart completely breaks for the mommies and daddies that have had to experience this kind of loss. My prayers are with you tonight that you may experience peace in a way only God and give.
I thank God everyday for my little ones He blessed me with!
Jack is sitting up really well and enjoying it very much. We have this one toy that he just loves to sit at. He laughs and smiles at it when it plays music and the lights light up...although he has not figured out how to make that happen on his own.
Here is a picture of him laughing at it the other day. He's so cute! :)
I was able to get a few giggles on film. I sure love these boys!
For about a week or two, Ian has been on the move! He still hasn't mastered the actual act of crawling, but in the meantime he has invented his own version. And it goes like this:
Jack was showing off his turning around skills. He does that well!