Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Magic TV Feature

I have recently found this perfect feature on the television. When I have this feature on, Seth plays with his toys, uses his imagination, remembers his manners and how to be polite. He is such a well behaved child - every mother's dream! I use this feature on our television almost everyday. It makes for nice attitudes from all and good time spent with the family. There is virtually no "mean voices" and everyone is happy.

My secret:

The OFF button!

Seth really has gotten to where he will watch whatever is on television (and Jack and Ian too!). Naturally, most of the shows Jeremy and I watch are not suited for young children, and since we have the smallest satellite package available, there are not many choices for young viewers.

Turning the TV off is the best answer for us. With trying to keep up with housework, taking care of babies and playing with a toddler (plus keeping up with my emails and blog!), there really isn't any more time left in the day to watch TV. Plus, with Sweet Seth out and about, there's no telling what cute thing he'll say next!


Katherine said...

Isn't it funny that so young they can become addicted! I have to turn it off for our 3 month olds! The will turn funny ways to be able to look at it!

CW said...

Yes, I agree with you!! Hayden and Hayley play much better together when the TV is off. And truth be told....we are a big TV family so turning it off is a big deal. But the more we do the more it seems to help.

Bruce, Brandi and Brinley said...

We keep the t.v. off most of the time also. In all honesty, I could care less if we even had one because I NEVER watch it. On the rare occasion, I will have one of the musical channels on--classical or contemporary christian--but I can only tolerate so much of that too. For the most part, we use our t.v. to watch movies--Brinley might watch a 30 minute movie in the morning and Bruce watches his 'manly movies' on the weekend as his way of relaxing after a hard week of work. Other than that, it really doesn't come on much.

In all honesty, I don't want to look back in five or ten years or fifteen years and wonder--now what did Brinley and I do during the day or what did we do as a family on the weekend? I don't want the answer to be watch some show that I can't even remember the plot or characters.

When I choose to do things, I try to ask myself, in a year is it going to matter? In five years, etc? More than likely, in five years I wouldn't kick myself in the rear for not catching the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy now (or whatever the 'it' show is at this time, I don't even know!). BUT I can almost guarentee that if I were to skip out on time well-spent with my daughter, my husband, other family/friends or taking care of our home properly, than I WOULD be kicking my self later on down the road...

susan said...

I don't mind watching a bit of TV myself...but I am a huge fan of the OFF button too....the minute things in my crazy house start ramping up...the tv is first to go. {that sounds like it's on all the time...It is not}

Helyn Kaye said...

You won't regret it! It's so worth it in the long run & it's amazing how much they learn, say, do & get along when it's off. Now that mine are older, it's harder sometimes to limit them (Drew especially loves TV time), but I try MOST days to limit it to an hour on TV & 20 minutes on computer. I don't stick with it all the time-some days are just hard! I know some who have to "buy" their TV time with tickets earned by doing jobs...